Date: Oct 19, 2025
Start: 10 AM
Level: 2
Distance: 12K (long course), 5K (short course)
Meeting: 9:15 AM
Director : Sean Halberg
Phone: Contact Info
Getting to the Start
From Olympia and everywhere south, it is almost a wash whether it is faster to drive up Hwy 101 on the west side of the Hood Canal than to cross the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. From most of the Puget Sound area, it is probably faster or nearly as fast to cross the Tacoma Narrows Bridge than to take a ferry, and you won’t have to pay the overlength charges if you are carrying a boat. From north of Seattle, it might be 20 minutes faster to take the Edmonds-Kingston Ferry than to drive through Tacoma. From Anacortes and Bellingham, if the ferry timing works for you, you can save 30 minutes over the Edmonds Ferry and 45 minutes over the Tacoma Narrows Bridge by taking the Coupeville-Port Townsend ferry. From the Hood Canal Bridge, it is almost exactly 1 hour to Hollwood Beach. As you enter Port Angeles from the east, Hwy 101 will split into 2 one-way streets. Continue heading west. After about a mile, you will see the harbor to the right. Soon after that, take a right on Lincoln Street and after one block you will come to the parking lot for the City Pier and Hollywood Beach. This is the best place to unload your boat. If the lot is full, the street parking is free and there are several free lots within 3 blocks of the event site. If you need a boat ramp to launch your boat, do not turn right on Lincoln. Continue heading west on Front Street, which will change into Marine Drive as you leave the downtown area. Continue on Marine Drive past the Marina and then turn right at the west end of the Marina. There is a boat ramp at the northwest end of that parking lot. After you launch your boat, you will need to head back east for 1.5 miles to get to the starting area.
Race Registration
Coming Soon!
Race Course
RACE COURSE (Long 12k)
The Long Course will have the same start as the Short Course, and competitors will round Buoys A and B just like the Short Course. However, after rounding Buoy B the next mark is the permanent “Apollo 11” buoy that holds the southwest corner of a log boom at the western end of the harbor. The course then proceeds north to the opening between the Ediz Hook beach and the log boom. Competitors will see the Olympic Peninsula Rowing Association boathouse to the north. The next mark will be another large yellow buoy like Buoys A and C. It will be near a large radio tower that will be visible from the OPRA boathouse. After rounding the Radio Tower Mark, competitors will head back to Buoy A, rounding it to starboard, and then to the finish line.
RACE COURSE (Short 5k)
Buoys A and C will be very large (4 ft diameter, 6 ft tall) yellow buoys. Buoy B will be a smaller tetrahedron buoy that should be easily visible from Buoy A. The start and finish line will be delineated by 2 tall narrow buoys. All boats must start and finish between those buoys. The 5 km course starts just off of Hollywood Beach, proceeds counterclockwise around Buoys A, B, and C, leaving them all to port, and then proceeding back to Buoy A, rounding it to starboard and then back to Hollywood Beach and the finish line.
Course Record
Be the first to set a record!
Entry Fees
$25 per non-member, $20 for Sound Rowers members and youth under 18
Post Race
Ribbons awarded for 1st-3rd by category.